Hi! I’m Trish. I am a Toronto based movement instructor with a deep curiosity in all the fun ways we can better ourselves.


I support people’s journey to self-discovery through an inquisitive and reflective practice that is inspired by yoga, influenced by dance, and informed by science.


Growing up, I was in love with all things nature. I did my undergrad degree in Wildlife Biology and travelled to work and volunteer with environmental organizations in different parts of the world. I wanted to make the world a better place. After spending a lot of time learning about the different ways humans could treat the planet better, I realized that first we must treat OURSELVES better.

I found my way to yoga in 2007 in a local gym and fell in love with it right away. In 2015, I completed a 250hr Yoga Teacher Training with the Yoga Sanctuary. Since then, I’ve been teaching all around Toronto, taken workshops from people around the world and filled my cup with all things movement and body. I am currently a student at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy.

I am studying manual therapy and love to bring anatomical and physiological information into our movement practice.

By supporting people’s well being through both movement and touch, I’m STILL trying to make the world a better place. The approach is just more personal. When we free up restrictions in the body, maybe we free up restrictions in the mind. When we clear the body of pain, maybe we open the heart to love. By being fully present in our own bodies we may find more ways to be fully present in our spaces and relationships as well.


Through the encouraging of people to feel better in their own skin, I hope to be doing my part in keeping the future bright for all of us.